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Digital Safe is an application that can be used to organize your or a loved one’s estate
planning and asset management. It is for anyone, at any age, who needs or wants to
organize the totality of their assets and personal information.
The application provides an easy-to-use spreadsheet that allows you to enter and see
what assets a person has as their total property, separated into categories of related
items. Categories of items such as real estate, financial accounts, investments, and
other property like jewelry, vehicles, etc
The spreadsheets can be printed in order to be written on, or left in on screen form and
the information entered directly. The purpose is to provide an easily accessible record of
everything a person owns at the time the spreadsheet is created.
The spreadsheets are for specific categories of asset, with columns for the necessary
information relevant to that type of asset.
The specific category of a spreadsheet will have a space for the name to identify the
asset, and then, all of the information about the asset needed to manage it, on the same
line. This includes things like account numbers, serial numbers, passwords, balances,
amount owed, and dates.
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